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Friday, 16 June 2017

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100 questions related with Indian Constitution

01. The preamble of the Constitution begins with: We, the people of India.....
Indira Gandhi

02. The preamble of the Constitution came into force on: 
26th January 1950

03. The procedure for removing the President of India,if he violates the Constitution:

04. The procedure of election of members to the upper house has been copied from:
  South Africa

05. The idea of Fundamental Rights has been copied from: 

06. The idea of impeachment of President has been copied from:

07. The idea of Independence of Judiciary has been copied from:

08. The idea of joint sitting of two houses of parliament has been copied from:

09. The idea of Judicial review has been copied from:

10. The idea of more powerful lower house has been copied from: 

11. The idea of nominating eminent members to Rajya Sabha has been copied from:

12. Which state has the largest number of Legislative Council seats?
  Uttar Pradesh

13. Which state has the largest number of Lok Sabha seats? 

14. Which state has the largest number of Rajya Sabha seats? 
    Uttar Pradesh

15. The procedure of impeachment has been copied from: 

16. The procedure of removal of judges of High Court and Supreme Court has been copied from: 

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17. The provisions regarding trade and commerce has been copied from: 

18. The scheme of federation with a strong centre has been copied from:

19. The South Indian states with Legislative Council:
       Karnataka,Andhra Pradesh, Telengana

20. The status of Delhi as per the Constitution:
   National Capital Territory

21. The system of election in India has been copied from:

22. Which Article of the Constitution is related to President’s rule in State? 

23. Which Article of the Constitution is related to prohibition of discrimination on the
      grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth? 

24. Which Article of the Constitution related to impeachment of President? 

25. Which state has the largest number of Legislative Assembly seats?
      Uttar Pradesh

26. The idea of Bicameralism has been copied from: 

27. The idea of Concurrent List has been copied from: 

28. The idea of Directive Principles of State Policy has been copied from:

29. The idea of elected president as the head of the state has been copied from: 

30. The idea of Fundamental Duties has been copied from: 
      Former USSR

31. Which state has the least number of Legislative Council seats? 
      Jammu & Kashmir

32. Which state has the least number of members in its Legislative Assembly?

33. Which State/ Union Territory has the least number of members in its Legislative Assembly? 

34. Who administers the oath of office of the President? 
     Chief Justice of India

35. Who is called “the first among the equals”?
     Prime Minister

36. Who is known as the ‘key stone of the cabinet arch? 
     Prime Minister

37. Who is the ex-officio chairman of the Planning Commission? 
    Prime Minister

38. Who made the statement “The Preamble of the Constitution is the horoscope of our
      Sovereign Democratic Republic”?
       KM Munshi

39. Who performs the duties of the President in his/her absense of Presidend and Vice          President? 
Chief Justice of Supreme Court

40. Who performs the duties of the President in his/her absense? 
      Vice President

41. Which Article of the Constitution related to issuance of ordinances by the President?

42. From which community the President of India can nominate two members to Lok
     Sabha to ensure representation?
        Anglo- Indian

43. Who summons the Lok Sabha? 

44. Who has the power to dissolve the Lok Sabha? 
The President

45. Amendment by special majority means the bill is passed in each house by a majority of
the total membership and by a majority not less than ........ of the members that house present and voting:
 Two thirds

46. Amendment that needs ratification by states must be ratified by Legislatures of not less
than ...... of the states- 
One half

47. From which country India adopted the ideas of Fundamental Duties? 
Formenr USSR

48. The Artilcles of the Constitution related to Directive Principles of State Policy: 
   36 to 51

49. The Constitutional amendment granted a position of primacy to all Directive Principles
over Fundamental Rights:

50. The Inter-State Council is presided over by:
     Prime Minis

51. The largest amendment of the Constitution was: 

52. The makers of the Constitution borrowed the idea of Directive Principles of State
Policy from the Constitution of: 

53. The maximum number of members in the Subordinate Legislation Committee: 

54. The number of Fundamental Duties in the Indian Constitution: 

55. From which country India copied the procedure of amendment of Constitution?
            South Africa

56. Full statehood was granted to Arunachal Pradesh by .....amendment. 

57. In how many ways the Constitution of India can be amended?

58. In which year the Indian National Congress passed a resolution in Madras which
declared that ‘the basis of future Constitution of India must be a declaration of Fundamental Rights’?

59. ‘Right to equal opportunity for justice and free legal aid was added to Directive
       Principles through ..... amendment. 

60. The 42nd Amendment was introduced after the recommendations of ..... Committee.
         Swaran Singh

61. The 73rd Amendment of the constitution came into force in- 

62. The 84th amendment of the Constitution in 2000 created ...... states. 

63. The Amendment of the Constitution that restored the life of Lok Sabha and State
Assemblies from 6 years to five years: 

64. The Amendment that included Bodo, Dogri, Maithili and Santhali in the Eighth Schedule
of the Constitution making a total of 22:

65. Which Article declares that the state shall endeavour to promote international peace and security? 

66. Which Article enacts that all persons are equally entilted to freedom of conscience
and the right freely to profess, practice and propagate religion? 

67. Which article is related to ‘Freedom of Press’? 
      Article 19(1) (a)

68. Which Article is related to the ‘Right to Constitutional Remedies’?

69. Which Article is related to the separation of judiciary from executive?

70. Which Article of the Constitution deals with Amendment procedure?

71. The Article related to the prohibition of cow slaughter:

72. In which Article of the Constitution Fundamental Duties are mentioned? 

73. In which part of the Constitution Directive Principles of State Policy are included? 

74. In which part of the Constitution the Fundamental Rights are included?

75. In which year 44th amendment of the Constitution was passed? 

76. The Article that deals about Equality before law: 

77. The Articles of the Constitution of India dealing with Right to Equality:
     14 to 18

78. The number of Fundamental Rights at present:

79. The number of Fundamental Rights when the Constitution was brought into force?

80. The number of members from Rajya Sabha to the Public Accounts Committee:

81. The only state in India where uniform civil code has been implemented:

82. The president has the power to suspend the enforcement of any or all the Fundamental
Rights during emergency as per Article:

83. The President of India to exercise pocket veto:
      Zail Singh

84. The state shall organise village panchayats as units of self government. This is
enshrined in Article:

85. The state shall promote with special care the educational and economic interests of
weaker sections of people. To which Article this is related?

86. Which amendment of the Constitution removed ‘the right to property’ from the list
of Fundamental Rights?

87. In which year the first Constitution Bill was passed?

88. Which Article of the Constitution is related to ‘Abolition of titles’?

89. Which Article of the Constitution is related to ‘Protection against arrest and detention
in certain cases’?

90. Which Article of the Constitution is related to ‘Protection in respect of convict of offenders’?

91. Constitutional safeguards aganist arbitrary dismissal of a member of civil service are
embodied in Article —— of the Constitution of India:

92. The normal tenure of Panchayats is: 
      Five years

93. The number of Articles related to Fundamental Rights when the original
constitution was brought into force:

94. The number of Articles under the Directive Principles when the Constitution was
      brought into force: 

95. The number of Articles when the original constitution was brought into force: 

96. The number of members from Lok Sabha to the Public Accounts Committee:

97. The number of members in the estimate committee of Parliament:

98. Which Article of the Constitution is related to ‘Protection of life and personal

99. Which Article of the Constitution is related to the protection of certain rights regarding
      freedom of speech?

100. Which Article states that “State shall try to promote cottage industries”?

Thursday, 15 June 2017

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100 Questions related to Indian Constitution

01. Which Article under Directive Principles of State Policy is related to prohibtion of
indoxicating drinks and drugs? 

02. Which Article was inserted by the 86th amendment of the Constitution to the list of
Fundamental Rights? 

03. Which Articles is related to uniform civil code? 

04. Which enshrines the principles of a welfare state in India? 
Directive Principles of State Policy

05. Which part of the Constitution reflects some Gandhian ideals?
Directive Principles of State Policy

06. Which part of the Constitution was criticised as ‘New year resolutions which were broken
on the second January” by M Nasiruddin, one of the members of Constituent Assembly?
Directive Principles

07. Who made the comment that Directive Principles of State Policy expresses Fabian
Socialism without the word ‘Socialism’?
Ivor Jennings

08. Who was the prime minister of India when Right to property was deleted from the list
of Fundamental Rights? 
Morarji Desai

09. “Federal Court of India’ was set up for the first time under: 
Govt of India Act, 1935

10. ...... refers to independence of the country in all its external and internal matters:

11. “India, that is Bharat, shall be a union of States” occurs in which Article of Indian Constitution? 

12. Advocate General is appointed by:

13. Anglo Indian representative in the Constituent Assembly: 
   Frank Antony

14. Annual Financial statement is the other name of:

15. As a non-member who can participate to the proceedings of either House of Parliament? 
   Attorney General

16. Censure motion in Parliament should be supported by atleast ...... members. 

17. Collegium for the appointment of Supreme Court Judges comprises the Chief Justice
     and ...... seniormost judges. 

18. The number of members in the Previlege Committee of Parliament: 

19. The number of members in the Public Accounts Committee of Parliament: 

20. Fourteen Indian banks were nationalised in:

21. How many times a person can become the President of India? 
  No legal limitation

22. If a notice for special session of Lok Sabha was given in writing signed by not less than
one-tenth of the members, the president must summon the session within ..... days. 

23. In the 1937 elections to the Central Legislative Assembly, in how many
provinces, the Indian National Congress got majority?

24. Which Schedule of the Constitution was added by the first amendment of the Constitution? 

25. Which session of the Indian National Congress adopted a resolution on
     Fundamental Rights and Economic and Social Change? 

26. Who compared Directive Principles of State Policy to the Instrument of Instructions in
     the Govt. of India Act, 1935?
 BR Ambedkar

27. Who described ‘Directive Principles’ as a cheque payable by the bank when able only
when the resources of the bank permit? 
       KT Shaw

28. Who described Directive Principles of State Policy as a novel feature of the Constitution
   of India? 
    BR Ambedkar

29. The first mid-term poll in India was held in:

30. The first sitting of the first Lok Sabha was on May 13, ....... 

31. The first speaker of Lok Sabha: 
   G V Mavlankar

32. The Indian prime minister who abolished privy purses through the 26th amendment
      of the Constitution: 
       Indira Gandhi

33. The interval between two consecutive sessions of Lok Sabha shall be less than
   ........ months. 6

34. The largest princely state in terms of population at the time of independence:

35. The Lok Sabha must meet atleast ...... times
     in a year.

36. Who described Part III of Constitution dealing Fundamental Rights as the most
      criticized part of the Constitution? 
            B R Ambedkar

37. Who is called ‘the link between the President and the cabinet’? 
            Prime minister

38. In the case of resignation, a member of Lok  Sabha must submit his resignation to:

39. Lok Sabha was formed on 17th April,......

40. Maintenance of Internal Security Act (MISA) was passed by the Parliament in: 

41. Motions of no confidence against the government can only be introduced and passed in               the...... 
       Lok Sabha

42. National Security Act (NSA) was passed by the Parliament in: 

43. Number of Part A states in India when the Constitution was brought into force: 

44. Prevention of Terrorism Act (POTA) was passed by the Parliament in: 

45. Prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion, etc (Article 15 of the Constitution
      of India) is Fundamental Right classified under: 
          Right to Equality

46. Speaker of Loksabha and ____have equal status according to Table of Precedence of India:
       The Chief Justice of India

47. The 73rd Amendment of the Constitution was passed by both houses of Parliament in: 

48. The Amendment that made the right to free and compulsory education a ‘Fundamental

49. The Article of the Constitution related to the pardoning power of the President: 

50. The Article that was related to Right to Property: 

51. The budget is presented in the Lok Sabha by the Finance Minister in the name of the
   ......of India. 

52. The concept of Five Year Plan in India was introduced by :
  Jawaharlal Nehru

53. The most important session of Indian Parliament: 
   Budget session

54. The most powerful upper house of the Legislature in the world: 
   American Senate

55. The first Deputy Chairman of Planning Commission: 
   Gulsarilal Nanda

56. The first elected president of the Central Legislative Assembly:
    Vithalbhai Patel

57. The longest of the three lists in the Seventh Schedule of the Constitution: 
      Union list

58. The minimum age prescribed to become the Vice President of India: 

59. The Monsoon session of Lok Sabha begins in the month of: 

60. The number of schedules in the Constitution of India when it was brought into force: 

61. The number of states formed as per the State Reorganisation Act of 1956:
62. Which Amendment of the Constitution reduced voting age from 21 years to 18
       years for Lok Sabaha and State Assemblies? 

63. Which Amendment provided for an authoritative text of the Constitution in

64. In Uttar Pradesh, the seat of High Court is:

65. Most powerful federal judicial court in the world is in: 

66. The Article of the Constitution related to Presidential reference: 

67. The first Chief Justice of India: 
      Hiralal J Kania

68. The number of states formed in 1956 under the State Reorganisation Act: 

69. The parliament of...... is known as the ‘mother of all parliaments’: 

70. The process of readjusting the representation of electoral constituencies is known as: 

71. The provision for the name, ‘Union of India’ was borrowed from the Constitution of:

72. The region which was ceded from India in 1937 as per the Government of India Act of                 1935: 

73. The Schedule of the Constitution that was added by 73rd Amendment:

74. Which Commonwealth country has the most powerful upper house? 

75. Who hold office during the pleasure of the President of India? 
      Governor of a State

76. Who determines whether a bill is money bill?

77. Who elects the deputy chairman of Rajya Sabha:
      All the members of Rajya Sabha

78. Who is the authority to grant permission to a member of Lok Sabha to speak in his
mother tongue if he does not know English or Hindi? 

79. Who was known as ‘father of Lok Sabha’?
GV Mavlankar

80. Who was the Prime Minister of India when the 73rd and 74th Amendments of the
Constitution were passed: 
Narasimha Rao

81. The shortest of the three lists in the Seventh Schedule of the Constitution: 

82. The south Indian state where President’s rule was imposed for the first time: 

83. The speaker of Lok Sabha submits his resignation to: 
   Deputy Speaker

84. Which Amendment of the Constitution changed its charecterisation from ‘Soverign
      Democratic Republic’ to ‘Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic’? 

85. Which amendment of the Constitution empowered the Parliament to amend any part
of the Constitution including preamble? 

86. Which amendment of the Constitution gave Assosiated State status to Sikkim? 

87. The State in India which has the largest number of Local Self Government Institutions: 
    Uttar Pradesh

88. The Twelfth Schedule was added to the Constitution was added by...... Amendment:

89. The Untouchability Offences Act was passed by the Parliament in: 

90. The Winter session of Lok Sabha begins in the month of:

91. When a proclamation of national emergency is in force, the term of Lok Sabha can be
extended by Parliament for the first time for a period not exceeding ...... at a time. 
One year

92. Which Amendement is related to Anti- Defection Law? 

93. Which amendment is related to reorganisation of states on linguistic basis (1956)? 

94. The form of government in India is:

95. The highest interpreter of the Constitution:
     Supreme Court

96. The highest judicial body in India: 
      Supreme Court

97. The Judges of Supreme Court can be removed by: 

98. The number of Supreme Court judges including Chief Justice when the
Constitution was brought into force: 

99. The retiring age of the judge of Supreme Court: 
     65 years

100. The second chamber of the state legislature is known as: 
      Legislative Council
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100 question related to Indian Constitution

01. The strength of the council of ministers is .....% of the total number of members. 

02. The total number of electors including MPs and MLAs for the Presidential Election: 

03. To be appointed as the Advocate General of the State,the person should possess the
qualifications necessary for appointment as:
A Judge of the High Court

04. Under which Article of the Constitution a citizen can approach the High Court if he
has been denied Fundamental Rights:

05. What according to Ramsay Muir, the ‘steering wheel of the ship of the state’?

06. Which Act passed by the British Parliament
divided India and Pakistan? 
Indian Independence Act, 1947

07. Which Article is related to the power of the
President to issue ordinances?

08. Which Article of the Constitution is related
to amenedment procedure? 

09. Which Article of the Indian Constitution is related to creation of abolition of Legislative
Council of the State? 

10. Any citizen of India over.....years of age can
be appointed as Governor: 

11. How many times can the President ask the Council of Ministers to reconsider its

12. If a member absents himself from Parliament for ...... days without permission
of the House, his seat may be declared vacant. 

13. If a state legislative council is to be created or abolished, a resolution to that effect is to
be first passed by the state Legislature by a ........majority: 
Two Thirds

14. In case of President dies and the Vice President and Supreme Court Chief Justice
are not available who acts as the President?
Seniormost judge of Supreme Court

15. In how many ways members to the Legislative Council are elected? 

16. Appointment, qualifications and nature of
duties of Attorney General are prescribed by the Article: 

17. As per which Article the Supreme Court of
India is treated as a court of record?

18. Comptroller and Auditor General is appointed for a period of ..... years:

19. Dadra and Nagar Haveli, before being integrated with India, were enclaves of:

20. Deputy Speaker submits his resignation to:

21. Disputes regarding the election of President
and Vice President are settled by:
Supreme Court

22. Elections to fill the vacancy in Presidential office due to death or resignation have to
be held not less than ..... months from the occurrence of vacancy: 

23. Finance Commission is appointed once in...... years.

24. Financial Emergency under Article 360 cannot be imposed by the Union in the state of: 
Jammu and Kashmir

25. For contesting in a Panchayat election, a candidate has to attain the age of .... years-

26. How many members have to support no confidence motion? 

27. How many members of House have to sign the resolution seeking President’s
 ¼ th of the total

28. In which case did the Supreme Court rule that Parliament had the right to amend any
of the Fundamental Rights?
Keshavananda Bharati

29. In which state two woman are nominated by the Governor to the Legislative
Jammu and Kashmir

30. On what basis seats are allotted to the states in Lok Sabha? 

31. Part VI of the Constitution is applicable to all states except:
Jammu & Kashmir

32. Proclamation of emergency due to brea down of Constitutional machinery has to be
approved by Parliament within ......- 
Two months

33. Proclamation of Financial Emergency has to be approved by Parliament within ......-
Two months

34. Residuary power of legislation in the case of Jammu Kashmir belongs to: 
The state

35. The duration of an elected municipality is ...... years-

36. Which Article provides that all minorities, whether based on religion and language
shall have the right to establish and administer educational institutions on their choice? 

37. Which writ is literally means “We command”? 

38. Who is called ‘Federal Ambassador’?

39. Who has the power to issue ordinances when the Assembly is not in session?

40. Who represented parsi community in the first meeting of the Constituent Assembly
of India?

41. Writs filed before the Supreme Court under Article ...... of the Constitution.- 

42. The Indian independence Act was passed by:
British Parliament

43. A minister should become a member of either house of 
Parliament within a period of ..... months, if he is not already a member. 

44. An ordinance made by the Governor automatically ceases to operate on the
expiry of ..... from the re-assembly of State Legislature.-
Six Weeks

45. The Constitution gives ........ the power to regulate the right of citizenship by law.

46. The Constitution of India describes India as a ...... of States. 

47. The Constitution originally mentioned about ...... categories of states and territories.

48. The Contigecy Fund of a State is in the nature of an imprest, is placed at the
disposal of :

49. The details regarding acquisition and termination of Indian Citizenship are enumerated in: 
Indian Citizenship Act,1955

50. The ex-officio chairman of the Rules Committee: 

51. The final appellate tribunal in India is:
Supreme Court

52. The first state formed on linguistic basis in 1953:

53. The Fundamental Rights listed under which Article are automatically suspended on the
proclamation of emergeny due to war? 

54. The gap between two sessions of the state legislatve assembly should not exceed .....

55. The Legislative Council is a continuing house, one third of whose members retire
every ..... years. 

56. The members of the Legislative Council should not exceed ..... of the total number
of membership in the state assembly: 

57. The members of the State Public Service Commission are appointed by the _____
and can be removed by the President on the advice of Supreme Court. 

58. The minimum age prescribed to become the
Governor of a State:

59. When was the ninth schedule added to the Constitution? 

60. Which Article of the Constitution is related to Finance Commission?

61. Which Article stipulates that there is to be a Council of Ministers with the prime
minister as the head to aid and assist the President? 

62. Which Fundamental Right was considered to be the heart and soul of the Constitution
by BR Ambedkar? 
Right to Constitutional Remedies

63. Which High Court has jurisdiction over Lakshadweep? 

64. Which state has the largest number of nominated members? 
West Bengal

65. Which Part of the Constitution is related to Panchayats? 

66. The most profound influence was exerted on the Constitution of India by:
Govt of India Act, 1935

67. The normal tenure of Governor of a State is ...... years. 

68. The number of members in the Public Enterprises Committee: 

69. Which Schedule of the Constitution distributes powers between the state
legislature and Panchayats? 

70. Who administers the oath of office of the Governor? 
Chief Justice of High Court

71. Who has the right to address the state legislative assembly eventhough he is not
    a member of legislative assembly?
   Advocate General

72. Who decides on the holding of elections to Panchyats?
         State Government

73. Who decides reasonableness of restrictions imposed on the Fundamental Rights?
       Supreme Court and High Court

74. Who determines the composition and conditions of service of a Public Service Commission? 

75. Who determines the salary of Attorney General? 

76. Who elected the members of the Constituent Assembly? 
    Provincial Assemblies

77. Who has the power to determine the structure of administration of a Union Territory?

78. Who has the power to form new state from the territory of any state in India:

79. Who has the power to transfer a judge of High Court from one High Court to another?

80. Who headed the Constitution Review Committee appointed in 2000? 
    MN Venkitachelliah

81. Who is generally the ex-officio chancellor of a university in a state? 

82. Who is the counter part of Attorney General in the state?
    Advocate General

83. The number of members in the Rules Committee: 

84. The number of readings for a Bill in the legislative assembly: 

85. The power to declare any area as ‘scheduled area’ belongs to the: 

86. The power to establish a common High Court for two or more states belongs to:

87. The power to superintend, direct and control elections to the Panchayat is vested in the:
State Election Commission

88. The Rajya Sabha has ...... sessions in a year because the Budget session is split into two.

89. The strength of the Vidhan Parishad cannot be less than:

90. The system of parliamentary democracy in India has been modelled on the system of:

91. To be appointed as a judge of Supreme Court, a person should have been an
advocate of a High Court for atleast ...... years. 

92. What is the Indian name given to our country in Constitution? 

93. What proportion of the total members of the Legislature Council is indirectly elected?

94. When a public officer commits an action which infringes a person’s Fundamental
      Rights, a writ of ...... is issued by the Court.

95. When did Constituent Assembly met for the first time as a sovereign body for the
      dominion of India? 
   14th August 1947

96. Who is the head of the executive power of the state?

97. Who served for the longest period as the Chief Justice of India: 
   YV Chandrachud

98. Who served for the shortest period as the Chief Justice of India: 
  KN Singh

99. Writs filed before the High Court under Article ...... of the Constitution.

100. The Twelfth Schedule is related to the responsibilities of: 