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Tuesday, 10 October 2017

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Vakkom Abdul Khader Maulavi (1873- 1932)

One of the most important Muslim social reformers was Vakkom Abdul Khader Maulavi. A scholar in Arabic, Persian, Urdu and Malayalam, he tried hard for the social upliftment and moral regeneration of Muslim community He exhorted the Muslims to discard all un- Islamic practices. He urged them to take to English education and to play an active role in modern progressive move- ments. Maulavi Sahib has an honoured place in the his- tory of journalism in Kerala. He edited periodicals, the Muslim and the Deepika, the latter carrying in every issue the translation of a few verses from the Koran. The Swadeshabhimani edited by K.Ramakrishna Pillai was owned by him. Abdul Khadar Maulavi also popu- larised Arabic-Malayalam by publishing an Arabic- Malayalam monthly called Al Islam. He founded organ- isations, the Travancore Muslim Mahajana,Sabha and Chirayinkil Taluk Muslim Samajam for carrying on active work for the social uplift of the Muslims and dis- semination of liberal ideas among them. The progress
of the Muslim community of Kerala in the educational
and social fields is largely due to the pioneering work
done by him.

#Swadeshabhimani' News Paper was founded in 1905 by Vakkom      Moulavi,
#The news papers Muslim and Al Islam were edited by Vakkom Moulavi.
#First meeting of Muslim Aikya sangham-a Muslim reform organization at Kodungaloor in 1922 was presided over by him.


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